
The Beginning


Do you really want to follow the true Path?

If you are not ready to change your beliefs and open your eyes to the Truth, then this site is not for you.

Here we give our minds the freedom to seek and discover the Truth and do not force them to accept any theory or ideology without evidence as the absolute truth.

The biggest mistake a person can make is to believe that he is right and then invent semi-logical proofs to prove the validity of his beliefs.
Instead, everyone should always strive to look for evidence that reveals the Truth and follow the right belief wherever it can be found.

Only through reading and studying can a person discover the Truth and that is the best thing he can do at any time and in any place.

The Mind

Definition of Mind
The mind is a collection of faculties related to perception, reasoning, memory, evaluation, and imagination. It also influences desires, motivations, emotions, and feelings, and may be dependent on them when making decisions and weighing options. In addition, the mind controls involuntary actions.
The mind allows a living being to perceive itself and the world around it, and gives it the ability for critical thinking, logical analysis, and imagination. It also stores and retrieves information and experiences, and uses language to communicate and express thoughts and feelings.

How the Mind Works
The mind records all the information it receives through the senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. When a piece of information repeats itself, the mind classifies it as ordinary or natural. When a piece of information contradicts what has been previously learned, the mind responds in one of two ways: it either adds it as a new possibility, or it rejects it, considering it strange or even supernatural. This depends on how many times the information that the mind previously classified as normal or natural has been repeated and on the time that has passed since the unnatural information appeared.
If a person has only seen yellow taxis since childhood, he will be surprised to see taxis of a different color in another country. Still, he will add to his knowledge that taxis can be of different colors and will not consider this a miracle, since he will understand that this is only due to the color of the paintwork, which is perfectly normal.
But if he sees a human walking on water or flying in the air, the mind perceives this as magic or a miracle, since it exceeds the known laws of nature. Still, it remains logical, since birds also fly and ships float.
The mind rejects the possibility of a material object existing in two places at the same time and does not accept that a ten-year-old child can be older than a twenty-year-old person, since these things contradict the laws of nature and physics in our world. However, the mind can only consider this logical if it happens in another world with different laws of nature and physics.

Peculiarities of the Human Mind
The human mind differs from the animal mind by its ability to evolve the things it sees, be it equipment, ideas or methods. But the most important quality is the ability to distinguish truth from lies. Nevertheless, in most cases, emotions, feelings, stubbornness and arrogance intervene, which prevents the mind from recognizing the truth as such and instead accepts false desires as truth.

Therefore, to examine a belief, the mind must learn about that belief and its history, examine its evidence, find answers to doubts around it and finally decide whether that belief is true or false, far from desires and emotions.

The Role of the Mind in Innovation and Invention
The human mind stores information and does not invent it, that is, it cannot create new information. Likewise, he stores the way in which information is linked together and does not invent it, that is, he cannot create new methods of linking information.
By storing a lot of information (such as poems and lyrics), the mind can develop memory strength. By studying many methods of linking information (such as mathematics and physics), the mind can develop intelligence.
By linking certain information, innovation and invention can come about. This means that all innovations and inventions came from people linking certain information together using known methods. This was possible thanks to information that existed but was not used by anyone before.

The Truth

Truth is that which corresponds to the true reality of things without distortion or falsification.

Absolute Truth is truth that does not change depending on the circumstances of time and place.
For example, if we say that the area of ​​Ukraine (≈603,000 km²) is larger than the area of ​​Germany (≈357,000 km²), then this is true, but it is not absolute truth, because there were historical times when Germany was larger than Ukraine.
For example, the absolute truth is that a square has four corners and that a person needs air, water and food to live on this earth.

Relative Truth is the truth within a person, which varies from person to person, that is, it is what a person sees or believes based on the information available to him.

For example, a child who does not know that a square has four corners or a person who knows nothing about the area of ​​Ukraine or Germany may consider these truths to be relative. That is, they supposedly differ from person to person, and they will not believe the truth until they start learning.

If a car was involved in a traffic accident and was so badly damaged that its make was no longer known, anyone could estimate the probability of that make based on the sketchy evidence available to them. In this case, every person has a relative truth. But when the expert comes, he will come to the truth based on the exact evidence he has seen and establish the make of the car, and that will be the truth. But all people were looking for the make of the car because they knew for sure that this car had a manufacturer. Here is the absolute truth: the existence of a manufacturer.

In short, every person can move away from the relative truth that is in himself and come to the truth and absolute truth only by studying and comparing various information.

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